Lady Slipper – Minnesota State Flower – Thieves Have Stolen Her.

Warning:  This post is a rant after someone stole lady slippers off of my property.   I try to keep it positive, but this incident broke my heart.

The heartbreaking loss of these beautiful lady slippers prompted me to write this post.



Some terrible person dug them up the day after the above photo was taken.

Who does something like this?  These beautiful flowers are now gone forever.  The Lady Slipper plant has been growing, happily, in this spot for years.

It takes up to sixteen years for a Lady Slipper plant to produce its first flowers.  Now some stupid and thoughtless person has taken this plant’s life.  Look at the picture closely.  Appreciate the beauty.  Say a silent prayer, because these flowers will never be seen again.


 The beauty of nature is a gift not to be taken lightly.

The thief may have intended to transplant my beauty, but do they know that Lady Slippers are notoriously hard to transplant?  Conditions have to be perfect or the plant will die.  Even in ideal conditions, the plant will likely die.

Lady Slippers need very specific conditions to survive.  Also, the root is especially vulnerable.  They cannot grow a new tip if damaged.

I pray my brave Lady Slipper survives her horror.

She grew on our property wild, free.  We saw her first blooms.  We saw her grow into this amazing beauty.  We saw her become this priceless treasure.

One day she presented her gift to the world.  The next day a terrible person took her life.

Karma.  Karma.  Karma will get them.

The Lady Slipper is Minnesota’s state flower.  It is illegal in Minnesota to pick, uproot or unearth them.  She grew on private property.  She lived here freely.  She shared this beautiful place and only asked to be left to live and grow in her place.


Whoever you are, thief, you took that from her.

So useless human being.  Watch out.  Karma is looking for you.

There is nowhere safe from Karma.

Rant over.  Heartache not over.




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4 thoughts on “Lady Slipper – Minnesota State Flower – Thieves Have Stolen Her.

  1. Im from MN too so naturally i had to read this. At first i thought it might b some1 like a ginseng or mushroom hunter making a living, but i cant anything thats says they are worth value like that.

    Either way absurd!

  2. So sad. I’m grieving with you that your lady slipper was loved and wanted right where she was and didn’t need a new home. I saw a single bloom of a fairy slipper once in the Colorado mountains. Know how special flowers can be. Hugs to you.

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